We challenge the Establishment with investigative reporting that holds the powerful accountable.
We are your independent source of exclusive in-depth investigative journalism, bringing you genuine scoops that have become harder to find and costlier to pursue, but remain absolutely crucial to building a news outlet's readership, reputation and profit.
AMI produces the kind of thorough journalism your readers—and your business—needs. We believe in old-fashioned story-telling that drives readership and revenue. Our news stories start with memorable leads that draw readers in with unforgettable characters, vivid settings, and sharp conflict; stories that get people talking and sharing—building profitable traffic while enlarging the national conversation.
The American Media Institute is founded by veterans of the The Wall Street Journal and Reader’s Digest. Our driving principle is the fearless pursuit of the truly important stories. Our subscribers have access to scoops and must-read stories on an exclusive basis for 24 hours. Publications can pick and choose what they publish without obligation and put stories through the same editorial process as for wire copy and other news. Our internal promotion team amplifies the impact of the stories through television, radio, online, and social media outlets.