This is your chance to make a difference.
Why donate? Without investigative reporting, government officials, union leaders and crony capitalists cannot be held accountable — and their abuses of the public trust will not be brought to light. AMI makes sure that those stories get told.
We are unique. No one else is doing what we are doing in the limited-government community. No one else publishes real news stories in major news outlets. Everyone else is writing op-eds and publishing them in partisan media.
How do we use your donation? Your contribution puts reporters in the field to search digital and paper archives, to track down eyewitnesses, to file Freedom of Information Act requests, to hire accomplished investigators who uncover compelling stories, to edit and fact-check those stories, and to promote those stories in print and on radio, television, and online news outlets. With your help, we can continue this important work.
Is your donation safe and secure? Your online donation to AMI uses Stripe, a trusted market leader for online contributions.
Is my donation tax-deductible? Yes! American Media Institute is a non-partisan tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. To see our IRS tax-exemption letter and financial records, please follow this link to our transparency page.
Will I receive a receipt for my donation? Yes! Both a tax receipt and a heartfelt thank-you letter is sent to every donor. Monthly donors – who become members of our “Peter Zenger Society” – receive a single tax receipt at the end of each calendar year.
Online Secure Donation:
Please send checks to:
American Media Institute
2420 S. Queen St
Arlington VA, 22202
Please consider becoming a monthly donor and joining our “Peter Zenger Society.”
Why join? Your support lets our reporters know you are behind them. Our reporters are on the ground opposing the Establishment and investigating the cases that many don’t want exposed. One or two large donors could be muscled by the powerful, but an “Army of Davids” is impossible to defeat. Thank you for your support of the American Media Institute
When you become a monthly donor at $100 or more per month, you will receive the following benefits:
- Four invitations per year to special events. These events will be at no additional cost to you and feature after-dinner talks by some of the famous faces from the worlds of politics and journalism. These exclusive dinners will be held at unique locations – everything from a Napa Valley vineyard to a holding pen for the world’s largest private collection of military tanks. Invitations will be for you and your favorite person.
- A special email address with a unique password where you can send the questions you want our reporters to ask. We can’t guarantee that the reporters will use every question, but our experience is there is wisdom out there if you take the time to listen and hear.
American Media Institute welcomes donations in any amount. Every single dollar helps the cause and makes a difference.
Who was Peter Zenger? In case you are wondering, Peter Zenger was a 17th-century printer in colonial New York who defied the royal governor and told the truth about his scandals and corruption. When he was jailed, his wife kept printing the paper. When he finally got to court, he won and became the father of free speech in America. Ever since the Zenger case, it’s been the law that you can’t be punished for publishing the truth.
And that’s what we intend to do, ask the hard questions of government officials about issues the media would otherwise ignore, get the truth and publish it far and wide in hometown newspapers and websites across America.
What are independent organizations saying about the American Media Institute?
- Great Nonprofits gave American Media Institute it’s highest rating in 2018.
- Ballotpedia, The Encyclopedia of American Politics: “American Media Institute seeks to provide readers with in-depth investigative reporting from an independent perspective. The organization produces original news and employs experienced former journalists from outlets such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, Time Magazine and The Los Angeles Times. AMI states that the nonprofit model is essential in funding the costly process of producing an investigative news story that larger media outlets can no longer afford”
- Philanthropy Roundtable magazine: “American Media Institute stories have fueled congressional investigations and stirred media controversy, and they’ve been picked up by big aggregators like the Drudge Report.”
- New York Observer: “Journalism heaven may not exist but American Media Institute, like ProPublica, The Marshall Project, and hundreds of other donor-supported news ventures that have cropped up recently, does present a journalistic haven for many former newspaper editors and reporters.”